Carnegie Mellon University

Eberly Center

Teaching Excellence & Educational Innovation

Teaching Agile Project Management by Combining Group Interactions and Simulation

Miranda, E.

The talk will present a simulation based exercise used to teach students how to run an agile software development project. Agile software development is an approach to developing software in which requirements and solutions evolve through the collaboration of self-organizing cross-functional teams and their customers. The talk will be of interest to instructors involved in project based courses, software development and software engineering. The simulation approach allows the instructor to present and address in a class setting situations that in a real project would take weeks or months to develop and thus offers a richer, more engaging experience than the toy projects traditionally used in these courses or the pure case based analysis where the student does not see the results of the recommendations it makes. All the material is available under a Creative Common License and has been successfully presented at three educators workshops.

Eduardo Miranda, Institute for Software Research SCS